Medical (Rehab & Physiotherapist)

Reactive and responsive, Exerfly offers a tailored rehabilitation and recovery solution for users of all disciplines and abilities - from the youngest athletes to the elderly, and everyone in between.

An effective tool for muscle injury and rehabilitation, Exerfly implements Flywheel training, which is scientifically supported to reduce risk of injury or re-injury, preserve joint health, and aid in injury management and rehabilitation.

Flywheel training is particularly beneficial for rotator cuff injuries, late stage ACL rehabilitation, knee rehabilitation, fall prevention and sarcopenia prevention in the elderly, as well as building strength at a low intensity in a safer way. Gains in strength, hypertrophy, muscle activation, and muscle length will lead to positive adaptations and muscle healing across the board.

Adaptive Resistance for Recovery

Adaptive Resistance for Recovery

With Exerfly, resistance is based on the inertia of the flywheel and the input force of the athlete’s expended effort. This means the machine adapts to the needs and capabilities of the individual athlete, whether that be intense, intermediate, or recovery.

This allows for self-managed resistance that adapts as the body fatigues, allowing the athlete to adapt to the exercise at their own pace, easing or challenging the resistance as needed. Smaller Flywheels are typically used for more incremental movements such as shoulder rehabilitation.

Eccentric training for tendon injuries

Eccentric training for tendon injuries

Eccentric flywheel training is particularly beneficial in the treatment of tendon injuries, resulting in a reduction in pain, decreased stiffness in tendons, increased neovascularization, enhanced neuroplasticity, and increased shielding of muscles.

Tendinosis (stiffness in the joint) is due to the degeneration of the tendon's collagen due to chronic overuse. For this condition, both concentric and eccentric (flywheel training) is required, with Flywheel training showing significant improvements in tendon health.
The achilles and patellar tendons also both react positively to eccentric training rehabilitation, with flywheel squats in particular improving the quality of the patellar and achilles tendon.

Rotator cuff rehabilitation

Rotator cuff rehabilitation

Flywheel training has also proven to show significant benefits in the rehabilitation of rotator cuff (shoulder) injuries. Eccentric training through shoulder rotations is effective for subacromial pain syndrome (or upper arm, lateral pain).

Eccentric training also improves outcomes for patients with lateral and medial epicondylitis, or tennis/golfers elbow.

Rehabilitation after Injury

Rehabilitation after Injury

Because of its low-impact nature and constant resistance, Exerfly training effectively aids rehabilitation after injury.
With smooth, constant resistance between the concentric and eccentric phase, Exerfly is beneficial for rebuilding strength without aggravating previous injuries. For example, a crucial part of ACL rehabilitation focuses on knee control and landing form, which is best rebuilt through eccentric training.

The Squat Harness can also be used to distribute load evenly throughout the body, allowing athletes to generate high force levels without heavy weights putting unnecessary strain on the body, therefore reducing strain and offering a safer alternative to heavy lifting with better results.

Atrophy and loss of muscle strength

Atrophy and loss of muscle strength

For athletes suffering from atrophy and the rapid loss of muscle strength (such as ACL reconstruction), it is crucial to build quadricep strength and muscle power in order to run, jump, or even walk.

Flywheel training addresses both strength and power, and can be used in most stages of rehab with mobility and stability exercises, neuromuscular training, plyometric exercises, running drills, etc. Exerfly can also be used for calf muscle strain rehabilitation, by performing squats, lunges, and calf raises (Platform only) in the second week after the onset.

Fall and Sarcopenia Prevention in the Elderly

Fall and Sarcopenia Prevention in the Elderly

Flywheel training has been shown to play an important role in preventing and treating sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass and function) amongst the elderly, effectively building eccentric muscle which in turn translates to better muscle reactivity.

With the ability to train incremental movements at a lower intensity, Exerfly strengthens muscles, improves muscle power, and increases muscle reactivity. Training with low intensity, low speed, and low inertia develops long-lasting strength, power, and reactivity - all important parts of keeping the body functioning and moving properly.

Preserve Joint Health and Prevent Injury

Preserve Joint Health and Prevent Injury

Inertial training with Flywheel technology plays an important part in tendon rehabilitation, prevention, and rehabilitation of muscles and joint injuries. Because inertial training provides constant resistance, users can generate eccentric overload without significant shifts in momentum where the joint is unloaded.

Due to this higher neural demand and time under tension, flywheel training sets the standard in both post-activation potentiation and metabolic conditioning during the rehab process.

Who can it be used by?

Who can it be used by?

Flywheel training can be used by anyone from strength and conditioning athletes, to sports teams, to physios, to the older or younger generations. It provides a safe and controlled way for younger athletes to train real sports movements with constant resistance.

This can also be a great way for the older generation to train, as it is easier on the muscles than traditional weights, and aids with force absorption and production. The ability to perform exercises at speed also means users can train their muscles to be more reactive, increasing quicker reaction times.

Client Recovery and Use

Client Recovery and Use

Because Exerfly is designed for versatility, all our equipment is multi-use and is ideal for a full range of exercises. This makes it ideal for rehabilitation, as one piece of equipment can be used for an extensive range of injuries and recovery plans.

Exerfly equipment is also mobile enough to be used for home visits when needed, or can be rented out to clients for set periods of time to aid with recovery. Customized exercise recovery plans specifically for Exerfly can be given to clients, with workout data recorded and used to track performance and monitor progress.

Low Entry Barrier Point

Low Entry Barrier Point

Flywheel training does not require an advanced level of training, and is much more forgiving for those with poor technique. For example, if you perform a squat with poor form using traditional weighted bars, you would feel pain in your lower back, hips, or knees.

With Flywheel training, the squat harness distributes load throughout the entire body, eliminating those targeted pressure points. Flywheel training also allows you to control your own speed, which in turn determines the force loads you generate, meaning you can self-monitor your own resistance.

See Exerfly in Action


Trusted by the world’s best athletes, coaches, and teams.

Exerfly Equipment

PNG picture of exerfly flywheel training platform


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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PNG picture of exerfly rack-fly


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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PNG picture of exerfly ultimate


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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PNG picture of exerfly accessories


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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