What is Flywheel training?

The Flywheel technology pushing athletes to new heights

Flywheel training is a method of strength training where users generate resistance using the inertia of a flywheel instead of traditional gravity-based resistance training.

By accelerating and then decelerating an inertial disk , the user generates resistance at all phases of the movement, allowing high force outputs and eccentric overloading without the heavy weights. This means constant resistance and stimulation through all phases of the movement in both the concentric and eccentric phase.

Flywheel Training vs Traditional Weight Training

Flywheel Training vs Traditional Weight Training

Instead of pulling a weight against gravity like traditional weight training, Flywheel training uses inertial disks to generate resistance.
With traditional weights, resistance is generated by moving a set weight against gravity, generating the same level of resistance each rep. However, with Flywheel training, the athlete uses force to accelerate and decelerate a Flywheel - pulling a weight towards you, then slowing the momentum as it pulls the other way. For example, if you were performing a bicep curl, you’d feel resistance on the way up and the way down.

Whatever force you put into the concentric phase will be returned in the eccentric phase, so the harder and faster you pull, the harder and faster the resistance, or vice versa. Rep-by-rep, resistance is constantly adapting to your input effort, catering to increasing fatigue and allowing you to perform maximally at every single rep.

What makes Exerfly so different?

What makes Exerfly so different?

With state-of-the-art technology, Exerfly provides an integrated platform implementing motorized technology and advanced sensors to enhance and track user performance.

Featuring industry-leading motorized technology, Exerfly allows athletes to push themselves to new levels which are otherwise impossible to achieve with any other piece of flywheel equipment.

Exerly is able to produce high forces at high speeds with low weights, due to our carefully engineered ceramic bearings, single rope and motorized technology. The ceramic bearings ensures friction is reduced so users can achieve maximum speed and response, and the single rope system prevents tangling during workouts, allowing for a smooth and seamless experience.

Motorized Technology

Motorized Technology

Both the Exerfly Platform and the Exerfly Rack Mount can be fitted with a motor, able to provide a boosted resistance increase during the eccentric phase of a movement. Using smart electric motor technology, users are given the opportunity to train supramaximally by selecting their desired stimulus through the app and applying the eccentric overload at that rate. Our equipment’s ability to create a true eccentric bias without de-accelerating the flywheel is unmatched by our competitors.

So how does it work? The motor simply provides more energy to the flywheel during the eccentric phase of a movement. This is based on how much energy is produced in the concentric phase, with the additional 1-80% boost added in the form of extra speed to the Flywheel in the eccentric phase.

In-built sensor and real-time feedback

In-built sensor and real-time feedback

Exerfly equipment also includes advanced sensor technology to monitor the athlete’s performance in real-time.
Unlike traditional weights, the Exerfly app gives you useful feedback on your performance to measure your progress, providing statistics for each rep on energy, speed, force, time, power, and much more. The app also controls the optional motor to give a percentage boost to the eccentric phase of an exercise.

Achieve Peak Performance

Achieve Peak Performance

Exerfly is completely results-driven, using scientifically supported methods to generate maximum results. With athletic benefits such as increased muscle hypertrophy, power, and muscle type conversion, Flywheel training also shows significant results in rehabilitation and physiotherapy, strength training, maintenance, and overall athletic performance.

A recent study of Flywheel training showed a significant increase in muscle mass among participants, with an 8.6% increase in mass, a 30% increase in force, and a 50% increase in concentric and eccentric power over 4 weeks.

Unlimited versatility

Unlimited versatility

Designed for versatility and flexibility, Exerfly caters to a wide range of athletes and abilities. Its simple, sleek design means it can be used for an almost unlimited amount of exercises with maximum resistance.

Because resistance is based on the input force of the athlete, Exerfly equipment can adapt to suit any skill level. From physiotherapy and rehabilitation, to commercial gyms, to high performing sports teams and elite athletes, Exerfly caters to every athlete young and old, regardless of their journey.

Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation

Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation

With a strong focus on safety and injury prevention, Exerfly provides constant, adaptive resistance rep-by-rep, catering for increasing muscle fatigue and recovery. This makes Exerfly ideal for physiotherapy and rehabilitation, whether in early or late-stage musculoskeletal rehabilitation.

Studies also show that Eccentric training for injured tendons leads to a reduction in pain, decreased stiffness in the tendon, increased neovascularization, enhanced neuroplasticity, and increased shielding of muscles.

See Exerfly in Action

Exerfly Equipment

PNG picture of exerfly flywheel training platform


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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PNG picture of exerfly rack-fly


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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PNG picture of exerfly ultimate


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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PNG picture of exerfly accessories


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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