Track your performance with real-time feedback

Track your performance with real-time feedback

Maximize your workouts with our in-built sensor and Exerfly app
With an all-new app and in-built sensor tracking data points at 4,000 times per second, now you can monitor your workout data in an easier, more efficient way and receive feedback on every single rep. Track statistics such as force, power, speed, and torque, and watch your performance improve with quantifiable data that allows you to maximize your training and results.

In-built Sensor

In-built Sensor

The Exerfly features an in-built rotational sensor providing real-time data at 4,000 points per second. The research-grade sensor provides a range of performance statistics using the inertia of the flywheel, RPM, time and direction to calculate the energy in the Flywheels.

The sensor allows athletes and coaches to track real performance data, ensuring athletes are training to their maximum potential and not over- or under-training. The sensor is included in the Exerfly Platform but is also available as an optional add-on for the Exerfly Portable and Rack Mount.

The high sample of data provided by the sensor is interpreted by the Exerfly app and relays key workout metrics including Max Torque, Peak RFD and Max Force- providing the user valuable feedback on their performance to track their progress.

All-new Exerfly app

All-new Exerfly app

With the all-new Exerfly app, you can keep track of your results for effortless accountability. The in-built sensor sends your workout data straight to the app in real-time, which you can then forward to your coach for evaluation and progress monitoring.

Through the app, you can also control the motorized technology on the Platform. Simply select your preferred overload percentage, and then get ready for the motorized technology to kick in for an even more intense workout.

The app is available in six languages and is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and IOS.

Workout metrics available on the App

Workout metrics available on the App

With the Exerfly sensor and app, you can track a wide range of statistics based on your workout performance.

These metrics include:

For each Rep

Measuring the time it takes for each rep is useful for velocity based training where the athlete tries to complete each rep within a certain time frame, whether it be a maximum time or in between a range of times. Combined with the speed metric, it gives the athlete metrics to chase to gauge their intensity and fatigue.

Peak Velocity

Measures the speed of the movement in meters per second.


This is the energy produced in the flywheel by the user exerting force to spin the flywheel. It’s useful because it gives a standard measure that the user can track over time.

Torque (Peak)

Measures the turning force on the flywheel which is useful to measure the force of rotating limbs into stable positions before and during movements. The higher the inertia of a flywheel, the more torque is needed to move it.

Total Weight Moved (Kg and lbs)

Convesion of rotational movements to linear units which most people are familiar with when using traditional gym equipment.

Overload %

Shows how much higher the power of the eccentric phase is compared to the concentric phase in percentage terms. Useful for those who want to produce more eccentric than concentric stimulus and measure it.

Concentric and Eccentric
Velocity (Peak and Average)

Measures the speed of the movement in meters per second.


Measuring the time it takes for each rep is useful for velocity based training where the athlete tries to complete each rep within a certain time frame, whether it be a maximum time or in between a range of times. Combined with the speed metric, it gives the athlete metrics to chase to gauge their intensity and fatigue.

Force (Peak and Average)

The force exerted by the user to spin the flywheel.

Power (Peak)

The power produced by energy in the flywheel over time shows the user their max power produced during the concentric phase of a rep.

RFD (Peak and Average)

Rate of force development measures of how fast an athlete can develop force.

Time to Peak RFD

The time it takes an athlete to reach that peak force.

Torque (Peak and Average)

Measures the turning force on the flywheel which is useful to measure the force of rotating limbs into stable positions before and during movements. The higher the inertia of a flywheel, the more torque is needed to move it.


Impulse is a change in momentum, or how force changes over time. See also Angular Impulse.

Angular Impulse

Angular impulse refers to the force an object experiences over time, specifically from torque. It's useful to view this over time or versus displacement of the rope so you can see how much torque is applied to slow down the flywheel at different points of an eccentric movement. The more torque applied when the muscle is at length, the greater the eccentric adaptation.

Weight Moved (Kg and lbs)

Convesion of rotational movements to linear units which most people are familiar with when using traditional gym equipment.

Simplified data collection

Simplified data collection

With Exerfly, there’s no need to waste time on overly complex software to collect data. Exerfly offers coaches and industry professionals a new approach to data collection, with an easy, no-fuss integration system that allows you to export data with existing management systems with ease.

We also have Cloud Software coming soon, meaning you can collect data in the field that will automatically sync with the Cloud, so you can train now and analyze later.

Reporting and exporting data

Reporting and exporting data

You can also build visually appealing and digestible reports in real-time, reporting on individuals, groups, or entire teams at once. With a holistic view of each individual athlete, you can build athlete programmes with data from multiple test types included.

Enjoy a seamless user experience, an easy-to-use interface, and software that is constantly being upgraded to offer the best possible experience.

Sports Teams & Group Training

Sports Teams & Group Training

The Exerfly app is designed specifically to cater to sports teams and group training sessions.

With a unique passcode for every athlete, group training has never been easier. Athletes training together simply enter their individual code into the app before starting, and the Exerfly equipment will assign that workout data to the designated athlete.

This allows athletes training in a group setting to switch quickly between users, recording each one’s individual performance statistics with ease and efficiency. Track workouts rep-by-rep and user-by-user, and challenge your teammates to see who is the top performer!

Coaches & Personal Trainers

Coaches & Personal Trainers

Trainers will soon be able to send customized workouts directly to individual athletes according to their specific training requirements. Athletes can then complete the workouts and send back their performance data for seamless distance training.

With the ability to send programmed workouts to athletes according to their needs, the app allows coaches to effortlessly monitor multiple athletes’ progress at the same time, with all workout data recorded in the app to track improvements and alter workouts as needed.

Exerfly Privacy

Exerfly Privacy

All customer info in the Exerfly app is encrypted at the storage level using AES256 in Google's Cloud hosting facilities. Customer identities are strongly authenticated and customers can choose to have their profile public, private and/or anonymized.

See Exerfly in Action


Where can I find a set up guide?
What devices are supported on the Exerfly app?
How do I download the app?
What feedback do I get from the Exerfly App?
What updates can I expect in the future?
Daniel Lavipour Portrait
Daniel Lavipour
Physical Performance Coach at The Football Association in London and Former Olympic Coach

“The Exerfly is a fantastic piece of kit which has allowed us to load our players above what we would be able to in conventional weightlifting exercises, where our tall players do not all feel comfortable in heavy squats and deadlifts. Furthermore, in a sport that has a high component of eccentric work through jump landings and rapid decelerations, the Exerfly has meant we can really target improvements in our eccentric strength. Highly recommended piece of equipment.”

Liam Malone Portrait
Liam Malone
Two-time Paralympic gold medallist sprinter.

“My goal is to get back to peak shape. Being able to find a way to adapt in my position is really important, from both a training and competing perspective.
“As a bilateral amputee, making sure my body is in top shape is extraordinarily difficult – I can’t do a squat, for example, in a regular squat rack. The Exerfly really provides a solution to scenarios like that by allowing me to train in a way that doesn’t cause me a lot of pain and provides me a bit more stability. And that’s really important from a performance perspective as a professional athlete.”
“As a professional athlete, I was travelling the world a lot. You’re often in foreign gyms and foreign environments, and you don’t have that same consistency with equipment. The great thing about the Exerfly is that you and your team can take it with you, and it can be a really staple part of your training.”

Robin Horvath Portrait
Robin Horvath
European Long Drive Professional

The Exerfly is a really good piece of equipment as the team has a great work ethic, and are always working on improvements. Since implementing Exerfly into my training, I’m feeling much more explosive, and have a lot more stability and balance. Eccentric training was totally new to me, but using Exerfly has completely transformed my outlook, and I now exclusively do flywheel training. The eccentric training was totally new to me, but I’ve been so convinced that I’ve completely switched to Exerfly training. The Exerfly support team is great, whenever I have a problem or question, they always resolve it quickly and efficiently.

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Trusted by the world’s best athletes, coaches, and teams.

Exerfly Equipment

PNG picture of exerfly flywheel training platform


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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PNG picture of exerfly rack-fly


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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PNG picture of exerfly ultimate


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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PNG picture of exerfly accessories


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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