Flywheel Training vs Traditional Weight Training

Flywheel Training vs Traditional Weight Training
Instead of pulling a weight against gravity like traditional weight training, Flywheel training uses inertial disks to generate resistance.
With traditional weights, resistance is generated by moving a set weight against gravity, generating the same level of resistance each rep. However, with Flywheel training, the athlete uses force to accelerate and decelerate a Flywheel - pulling a weight towards you, then slowing the momentum as it pulls the other way. For example, if you were performing a bicep curl, you’d feel resistance on the way up and the way down.
Whatever force you put into the concentric phase will be returned in the eccentric phase, so the harder and faster you pull, the harder and faster the resistance, or vice versa. Rep-by-rep, resistance is constantly adapting to your input effort, catering to increasing fatigue and allowing you to perform maximally at every single rep.