Analysis on the Effects of an Eccentric-Overload Training Program in Elite Junior Soccer Players

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This study assessed markers of muscle damage and training adaptations to eccentric-overload flywheel resistance exercise (RE) in men and women. The results suggested that eccentric overload training leads to gains in strength, power and muscle mass in both men and women. Furthermore, muscle damage does not appear to interfere with the adaptations triggered by the eccentric overload training programme.

Exerfly Equipment

PNG picture of exerfly flywheel training platform


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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