Cheatcode: How to Train like an Elite Level Athlete

People often have the misconception that athletic workout routines are irreplicable and near impossible to follow. While this might have been somewhat true in the past, modern technological developments in training equipment have made it possible to deliver elite performance results to home users.

Whilst traditional weight training once was the conventional route for professional coaches to prepare their athletes for competition, Exerfly has taken the fitness world by storm and established itself as an essential piece of equipment for both in-season and off-season training.  Exerfly creates equipment, tried and tested by elite sports teams, that has transformed the lives of home users around the world. With Exerfly, users train Olympic fitness routines for the fraction of the price of an annual gym membership, and the results are why we’ve been endorsed by strength and conditioning coaches, Olympians and physiotherapists around the world.  And in this article, we'll show you exactly why and how.

How does Flywheel Training work?

To put it simply, flywheel training is great for your muscles. We’ve got a great article explaining exactly what flywheel training is and why it’s better than traditional weights for elite level athletes and home users alike which you can read up on here. Essentially, research points to flywheel training as being an established effective method for improving hypertrophy (the increase and growth of muscle)  and endurance(the ability to withstand a lot of physical stamina). This is because with Exerfly, users feel a constant resistance in both the pull and return movement of the workout, created by the flywheel, allowing for the continuous load and stimulation of the muscles in both the concentric and eccentric phase.

Athletes focus on eccentric training because it has been regularly cited as playing a strong role in injury prevention, and is becoming pivotal in rehabilitation and physiotherapy, with evidence supporting its use in the treatment of tendinopathies, muscle strains and ACL injuries. Exerfly are industry leaders in eccentric training because of its revolutionary eccentric overloading technology which allows users to boost the eccentric part of the movement, leading  to faster muscle adaptations in trained athletes, and better suiting them for fast explosive movements. To summarize, you set the pace of the flywheel, and it doubles down on the concentric and eccentric phase of the movement to make sure that it is stimulating your muscles as much as possible, achieving unparalleled results.

Is Flywheel Training Dangerous?

Not at all. Exerfly home users are able to complete elite level workouts with minimized risk of injury compared to traditional weights because the resistance is determined by their output. People are using Exerfly because it’s a cheat code for time under tension. Other resistance bands cannot imitate time under tension nor quantify the results. The flywheel adapts to your force and your fatigue, unlike weights, which are victims to the force of gravity. Think about the day after a full-on workout with weights, your muscles are really sore right? And that soreness is especially excruciating if your form isn't perfect. Conventional weight training can be intimidating, difficult and even dangerous for non-professionals because of the technicalities of it. The heaviest Exerfly flywheel is 5kgs but can produce up to 100kgs of resistance (without motorized technology), and is solely determined by how hard you want to workout while it moves at your set pace. Keep that in mind next time you try to bench or squat 100kgs at the gym!

Is Flywheel Training expensive?

Not really, compared to keep your gym membership. Even when disregarding how much a  gym membership costs in the long run, take into account how much time goes into waking up early in the mornings to get to the gym before work or how tiring it is to fit in a workout after a full day of work. And do not forget to add transportation fees to that calculation too. It all adds up, and the energy put into actually commuting to and from the gym is often a leading factor that demotivates individuals and sets them back in their performance. With Exerfly equipment, no energy or time resources are drained from travelling, and these resources can be allocated towards completing a comprehensive workout that your body will thank you for later.

Consumer New Zealand reports fees as $285 p/month for an all-inclusive gym membership:

285 x 36 months= 10,260

Exerfly Starter Platform Package (inc. gym accessories) is $220 p/month for 36 months with SplitIt:

220 x 36 months= 7940

How do I start Flywheel Training

Exerfly is an all-in-one training solution that will require up to 1.3x1.05m of your home space at most, and will provide a wide range of exercises included here. Exerfly also saves you time and money from researching all the different equipment options and paying costly fees on taxes and shipping by including a variety of customisable accessories in our packages (oh and we’ll pay your import taxes and shipping too)! If you need a little bit of guidance, you can join our global Exerfly community on the Exerfly app and find customised workouts curated by the world’s leading coaches and trainers. Depending on your personal fitness goals, you can select a wide range of training programmes on the Exerfly app from which you can track and share your progress. Our precise workout metrics are generated by Exerfly’s revolutionary in-built sensor which tracks 4000 data points rep-by-rep, sending it to the Exerfly app for you to track performance and compare it those at the highest level. Our game-changing technology is elevating the remote fitness experience and making elite athletic results achievable for home users.

Still not convinced?

No worries, we offer a 30 day money-back guarantee so you can test it out and experience why the flywheel taining is every NBA, NFL and Olympic coach’s favourite training of choice. But don’t just take our word for it, check out what these leading athletes and trainers think of flywheel training:


Exerfly Equipment

PNG picture of exerfly flywheel training platform


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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PNG picture of exerfly rack-fly


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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PNG picture of exerfly ultimate


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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PNG picture of exerfly accessories


The Exerfly Platform is a stable, multi-use flywheel training platform built for everything from heavy duty workouts to rehabilitation.

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